My Lens 004: Getting Creative Again

It’s so hard to get anything done when you have so many ideas spinning around in your head. I used to think that I wasn’t creative. I saw my mom who can draw, paint, and play piano. My brother is excellent at drawing and art too. I took art class in high school and I enjoyed it but, I can’t do it anymore. At least that’s what I thought. Creativity is a muscle we just don’t train. It comes back slowly. I was never an excellent artist but, I did it because it was expression and it was fun.
That’s the beautiful thing about art. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. When I’m drawing, it takes my mind off of everything. I’m in a state where I can do anything and my mind makes random connections that I didn’t think were possible. So while I may not make art for it to be good, I do make it so I become more creative.

I have lots of ideas bouncing around but, that’s the trouble. They’re bouncing around and not in any controlled fashion. They’re like a wild bronco, bucking and uncontrollable. I need to find a way to harness them all and complete them. I find myself in a frozen state when I try to figure out what task to tackle. I want to finish homework so I have free time, want to write an article, want to make a piece of art, and I want to sleep. I get frozen in this limbo where I’m like a dog who doesn’t know which squirrel to chase. I think all I have to do to fix this problem is just start. When doing something new, “Done is better than perfect.” Once I figure out the answer to this limbo-like state, I’ll be sure to share.